A Global Village


A Global Village focuses on global challenges: health, development, energy and the environment and cyber-space and security. This represents a unique opportunity to partner a fast-growing and exciting project with a broad remit in engaging the student and scientific community with these global issues. It is a chance to connect with some of the most dynamic and motivated members of Imperial College London.

Support Us
Participating partners  have the opportunity to contribute an article to the journal on a relevant topic and get involved in relevant panel events. We can also offer high visibility advertising space in the journal itself and advertisement/logo on all posters, flyers and newsletters relating to relevant events and journal issues. Advertisement via our mailing-list (more than 1,000 students), and the website, would also  be possible.

We have previously secured funding from:

- O2 Think Big
- The Boston Consulting Group
- Sainsburys
- Teach First
- The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, Imperial College
- The Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College
- The Institute of Security Science and Technology, Imperial College
- The Imperial College Trust